Welcome to the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning's new series on "Creating Your Canvas Course from Scratch". This series will explore Canvas and discuss the process for creating a course in Canvas from scratch. Each episode of this series will focus on a single topic, such as: Setting up your course navigation, creating an assignment or quiz, managing groups, and so on. If there's something specific you're looking for, checkout the episode listings below and click on the episode topic you're looking for. If we don't have an episode covering the topic you're interested in, just contact us to schedule a one on one consultation.
Time now to divide our students in to groups. Student groups are a useful way to organize students for things
like group projects or papers. Every student group gets their own calendar,
discussion board and collaboration tools so they can organize themselves and
work together more effectively. Let's look at the steps for dividing our student enrollments into groups.
Run time: 5 minutes, 57 seconds
Presentation/Narration:Christian Drennen, Assistant Director Pedagogy and Technology Online, Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, University of Cincinnati
"Driving Force" | RFML Music License, Standard Sync, "Rock Inspiration" track list. Licensed from:
www.RoyaltyFreeMusicLibrary.com a/o 4/17/2017, ID#13953
Unit Details:Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
2911 Woodside Drive Langsam Library, Room 480
Cincinnati, OH 45221
Phone: 513-556-9319
Email: CETL@uc.edu
uc.edu/cetlResources discussed in this episode:
Canvas HelpThis video was created using UC's
Kaltura Capture application.