Session 7 | 4:30pm | Room 2
Presenter: Jamie Leslie,
Assistant Professor
Title: Exploring
Peer Review in Canvas
Description: It can be difficult to develop
assignments for students to interact.
Faculty will show screen shots and provide feedback from using peer
review for an assignment in Canvas. Peer review can be assigned as blinded or even
double-blind. Students seemed to enjoy
the experience of providing feedback to a peer though there were some
challenges for them to locate the assignment.
Abstract: Online college courses are in need of
increased student interaction. It can be challenging for faculty to design
assignments to facilitate student-to-student interaction. Canvas has an option to "require peer
review" for an assignment, but faculty may be unfamiliar with that
option. I introduced the peer review
assignment in a course this semester and can provide details on how it
worked. Students had some challenges
finding the assignment but reported a positive experience from the activity.
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